paradoxical paraphernalia
I love to watch musical passages in a song diverge. When the down beat of a melodic phrase falls on a different chord each time it comes around or when listening to the drum pattern and guitar part together feels like doing two math problems in your head at once.
This song is all about half steps and rhythmic skips. It was crazy/exhilarating to play and is crazy/exhilarating to listen to — at least for me. It’s a nice little “yay!” and “f*ck you!” when music shouldn’t work but does anyway.
“Speedbath” is the title of one of my son Wyatt’s comics. It seemed to fit this song, which has the word “speed” in it (that counts, right?). Both Wyatt and the song are equally wacky, anyway.
Find this song and all my recent work, in multiple formats – including lossless, free for download on my CASH Music pages. Information on how you can support the creation and distribution of this music by becoming a subscriber is here.