stone face
Swollen is Marilyn Munster; the last “normal” Throwing Muses song. This is, of course, just a demo, but you can tell she wears trim blouses and pumps, smiles politely and probably only eats animals that don’t have two heads. It appears, though, that when Swollen left the building, she left the door open. Her sweet shuffle and actual chorus (of all things) was followed immediately by songs made of fractured instrumentals, unattached bridges and free-floating verses who tap dance for a minute then run away, only to reappear in a different outfit, a different song, later on in the program.
It is not un-beautiful to be in pieces, as long as those pieces are fully realized, so I’m happy to let these strangenesses be as they are. But after living in this fractured world lately, hearing Swollen again was like a gentle lady sitting down next to me on a park bench, Frisbees whipping by. I like Throwing Muses Frisbees, but the gentle ladies are comforting, especially after taking a bunch of Frisbees to the face.
I want to thank you Strange Angels again for allowing both the ladies and the Frisbees a chance to come to fruition in the studio. The NPR-ish model we emulate is a valuable one. Sure, forty bucks is a lot to pay for a coffee mug, but if you want no corporate involvement in your radio, then you pay the forty bucks and take or leave the mug. I’m thrilled to be sending you the new CD that we made together, I love it when you visit me in the studio or take me up on my offer of free admission to shows, but I find that, for the most part, you all are interested only in having the music continue. I will always write new songs, but without the ability to fund recording sessions, you probably wouldn’t hear them. Thank you for wanting to hear them.
Find this song and all my recent work, in multiple formats – including lossless, free for download on my CASH Music pages. Information on how you can support my work by becoming a subscriber is here.